There are a number of questions you need to answer before ordering a racking system…
- How much storage do you actually need? – Do you have a target pallet count you want to achieve?
- What are your plans for the future? – Sure, you can buy a pallet racking system that’ll work in the here and now, but what about 2 years from now? If you have plans for growth and don’t want to relocate to get more space, your pallet racking system may need to grow with you.
- What types of products will you be storing? – Large? Small? Heavy?
- How often do you need to access your products? – Regularly? Infrequently?
- What type of forklift do you have? – Whilst wide aisle pallet racking is compatible with all types of forklift, other types of racking may not be. If you don’t want to/can’t afford to buy a new truck, you’ll need a racking system that works with your existing model.
- How much floorspace do you have? – If it’s at a premium you may want to consider a narrow-aisle or drive in / drive through pallet racking system, designed specifically for units with smaller floor areas.
- How high are your ceilings? – If you’re lucky enough to have a warehouse with particularly high ceilings, other options may present themselves.
- Cost – How much can you afford to spend? If budgets are tight you may want to consider a pre-owned pallet racking system (something we specialise in).
- Safety – How are you going to protect your business, your inventory and, most importantly, your team? Does the pallet racking system you’re considering meet the appropriate regulations, and does it come with all of the necessary safety equipment?
There’s a lot to think about here, isn’t there? In reality, however, we’ll help all of these questions for you, everything discussed here into account before recommending the perfect racking system for your needs. Hassle free, expert advice from the UK’s pallet racking specialists.
Sound good? Get in touch.